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Past EQ Messages


“This is very important, and we do not want any of you to not listen to this, for you must hear it. You have entered a time in which you are more creative than you have ever been. You have more ability to change your world, than you have ever had. But this can only be done if you know what it is that you want for your world. What kind of world do you want to exist within? Take responsibility for what is. Look deeply at where the flaws lie. Do not let your ego get in the way. Do not let nationalism get in the way. Do not let religion or fear or judgment get in the way. Look. Feel. Absorb. Extrapolate. If your world continues as it is, where will we be in 10 years? Where will the planet be in 10 years? This is the time to decide the world that you choose to live upon and to take responsibility for its creation. And you begin to do this through action, through learning what is the truth, and through being a bearer of that truth and Light and working for the whole instead of for the self.”



“We have been speaking to you for what feels like a very long time about taking back your power. We have suggested that you open your mind. That you research and learn. That you study. That you look at your history. That you look at what was happening around you. That you analyze what you were being told instead of just accepting it. We did these things in hope that you would not have to have the experiences that have begun on Terra. But unfortunately, as humans tend to do, you choose to learn the hard way rather than the soft one. And now, you must take back your power You must know what is happening and take responsibility for all the choices that have been made. You must look at where your planet is going and ask yourself: Is this what I want to see? Do I want my planet to be ill? Do I want more separation? Do I want more hatred and fear on Terra? Or do I want to take my power back? For with aligning with others, with recognizing the linkage and coming together, with doing these things through love and light, there is yet hope. What those in power fear the most is your linkage. They fight for separation because separation keeps you in fear and helpless-hopelessness. But you are not helpless. Together anything is possible. Work together through love and light and you can make a difference. Feel your power. Accept your power. Be responsible for the world. This is our message to you now.”



“This is a very important message. We’ve spoken about this much over the years, but especially now, it is necessary to listen to what we say. Many people on Terra are living in fear. Many, many are afraid. And when Terrans feel fear, they begin to feel helpless. And when some feel helpless, they become angry. And when they become angry, they become aggressive. And the more their fear grows, the more their aggression, the more their hatred. It is time to work to resolve this thing. It is time to understand that the only thing you truly absolutely have control over is your own mind and what your mind tells you. Whenever you become fearful, we would like you to analyze the base of that fear. Is this thing happening to me? Or am I fearing it will? In which case, release that fear. Instead, look around and see all that is working in your life. See the beauty that inhabits this planet still. See the love that so many good entities on Terra show to others every day. Focus your attention on what is beautiful and what is right and what is love and loving. Begin to emanate those feelings. Transfer those feelings to those that are around you. Be the Light in this darkness. Shine the light on fear and fear has to eventually dissolve. This is so necessary now. Monitor your thoughts and your feelings, and work to only allow those that benefit yourself and humanity.”



“We understand that your world is in an upheaval right now and many of you do not know how to progress the changes that are occurring all around you. We understand that. We also understand how easy it will be for people to become more fearful. But what you need to know right now is that fear begets more fear, and that fear begets anger, and fear makes separation greater. And you are at a time where these things cannot be the prevalent energy. You live in a time where you must come together, where you must hold each other’s hand and focus on what can be, the good that you can manifest in unity. For what you focus on grows. You all know this. So focus on the good. Focus on the linkage. Focus on the happiness. Focus on the good so those {things}can grow. Myama.”




“It is important to recognize that all things are linked upon Terra. This linkage is seen in everything that you do. Even those things that are automatic, for instance, when you breathe, you breathe in oxygen and you breathe out carbon dioxide. And where you get the oxygen is from the planet herself, and the plants upon the planet. And when you breathe out, what you consider waste, you are feedings your planet and the plants that exist upon her. When the birds eat the berries, and later, their waste falls to the ground, and new trees and new plants grow and new berries grow. So that not only the birds have food, but the bears and the deer and the other creatures, all things on Terra work in balance. All except mankind. For you have forgotten the balance. You have forgotten that you are not the superior race upon Terra. Without all the other beings working in harmony, you could not even get breath. But you forget these things. And more and more things are being damaged because of this forget. What you need to know right now in this season of new beginnings, in this season of rebirth, is that your planet must also have a rebirth. And it must start with each and every one of you. Think before you do anything. Ask how what you are doing balances or imbalances the planet. And work to always think of others before self. This is what you need to know right now.”




“We do not believe that we really need to tell you this; we believe it is obvious. But your world right now is filled with fear and anger. And as we have said so many times before, this cannot be. For if you fill yourself with anger and fear, then anger and fear will grow. So, it is so important right now, particularly because of the people in the Ukraine who are fighting and sharing and coming together to show all the other beings on this planet that unity, working together for the highest and best good, is what every human should be doing right now. So, when you begin to feel anger or fear over the predicaments of your world, what we would very much like you to do, is instead fill yourself with love. Fill yourself with light. Fill yourself with hope and see everything coming together. The linkage manifesting perfectly. The ‘we’ instead of the ‘me.’ The good instead of the bad. The love and light instead of the darkness. This is what you need to know right now.”





“We are a bit confused. We have found a new word which is ‘flummoxed,’ and we like that word so we will say we are a bit flummoxed. We are aware that you have chosen one of your days per year to celebrate love. And we are completely flummoxed that you are choosing but one day a year to show others how much you love them, to be loving and caring people. Do you not understand that this is something that you should do every hour of every day? Not save it for once a year. not save it just for romantic love. For there are so many kinds of love to give and receive. So, what we could like you to do is not only celebrate the day that you have to show others that you love them, but make it a point to celebrate all of your days. For when you give love, then your heart grows and that means there is more love for you to receive. And this is what you should be doing, and this is what you need to know.”




"“We have been saying for many moon cycles that you needed to leave in the past that which you did not want to move into the future. And many of you have tried, and many have listened, but few have succeeded. You are moving into a new phase in humanity’s existence and the old will not work in this phase And so, throughout the 20’s of 22, you are going to feel shifts in energy and change all around you. And we know that many humans do not like change very well. But change must come, and that change can be great and wonderous, or it can be difficult. It all depends on whether you understand that the power lies within you to make these changes beauteous. For if you are still dragging the past with you, making the changes encumbering and hard—we know you do not have to do it that way, you never had to learn through pain. You have always had the opportunity to learn through understanding your own greatness. Now more than ever, you must understand and move forward with this knowledge.”



"We understand and we empathize with the fact that you have been through quite a bit in the last few years. And that this year has been filled with much that you have had to navigate. And that often you feel almost suffocated in the negativity, in the fear, and the pain that fills your planet. And we want you to know that we understand, but we also want you to know that you cannot bring this into the 20s of 22, that you do not want to carry these memories, this pain, this fear, this anger forward. We want you to know that the world is also filled with joy, and goodness, and compassion, and beauty. And you can choose, you can actually choose, to move forward with these things, these thoughts, these beliefs, these feelings, and leave the others behind. It is a choice. Make the right one, please.”



"Over the last many years, entities on Terra have seemed to become rather bitter and judgmental and difficult when it comes to connecting with others. And this is not the way of happiness, not for the person being judged and not for the one judging. For it does not make one happy to judge another. It only shows the pain that you are in when you do this thing. So, what we would request of all of you, especially those that want to be Light Warriors, that want to bring The Light to your planet, every time you find yourself judging another being, we would like for you to take a moment and ask yourself: What is it like to be this person? What is their life like? What are their hopes and their dreams and their fears? And what in their past brought them to the place they are existing now? When you take the time to truly understand that all beings want the same thing, and everyone has experienced pain, and everyone wants to be loved and accepted, when you recognize the truth in the other being, when you recognize yourself in them, then you can no longer judge. And then you under the connectedness, the linkage.”



"What we would like you to think about, and what we would like you to do, is recognize that what is needed more than anything now are beacons of hope. We would like you to hold the beacons high and when those around you keep reminding you of all that is wrong, all that is fearful, all that is scary in the world currently, that you can remind them of all the things that are right, all the things that are wonderous. That for change to occur, things must evolve, and evolution is essential for growth—and that as you are in a period of growth, it is wonderous. Keep looking for those rays of hope. Be the bearer of that information Be excited about the good things that are actually happening around you instead of allowing yourself to be mired in the muck that is the fear that is being propagated by so many right now This is our message to you: work to be beacons of hope. That is your job."

MESSAGE FOR  September 2021:


“Many have been wondering why the world is in such disarray right now. Between natural disasters, anger, health issues, a pandemic, between all the things that are happening on your planet, many are feeling confused and do not understand. So, we will tell you why these things are happening; it is very simple. It is time to come together. It is time to realize that everything is connected and that the illusion of separation is just that- and illusion. You are not separate from your neighbor, and it doesn't matter what color, religion, or sex the neighbor might be. You are not separate from the planet. All things are linked. And in the link, one and all must work together for the good of the whole. These things are meant to bring you together. When individuals stop thinking as individuals and think as a unit -  when you start thinking more of the totality than the individual, then all this will stop, and you will have the world that you say that you desire. One where power, greed, hatred, does not rule but Divine Love, compassion, and empathy do."

MESSAGE FOR  August 2021:


“We do not need to tell you that you are living are living in confusing times. Many changes are occurring. many entities upon terra are afraid. Many feel helpless. And unfortunately, when humanity feels afraid or helpless, they can also feel frustrated and mean and even violent. And so it is of most importance that you spend your time focusing on your loving energy. Attempt to understand the fear that motivates those into violence and into nastiness. It is always fear that propels one out of the safety of the known into the anger and violence of the ugly. And this can be helped. Not by confrontation. Not by becoming equally as mean or as frustrated, but by sharing your love. By sharing your understanding. It is not your job to change another’s mind, but if you can help this person instead feel safe, feel loved, feel understood, perhaps they will change their own frustration, their own need for ridicule, for violence, for anger. And all this can be accomplished not through pushing back, but through opening your arms and sharing your love."

MESSAGE FOR  July 2021:


“What you need to be doing right now, right this moment, is determining your values. What do you value? Why do you value these things? What are those things that your spiritual essence believes? What is it that you represent, and are you living these beliefs? Are you living these values? Are you being your authentic self? It is time for you to decide these things. It is time for you to be who you are meant to be. It is time for you to decide who you are and live that truth in the best way you know how to be, for only when you are living from the heart—which is that of the Source, the heart chakra, the love of the Source—instead of from thy mind, which is what thee have been taught, it is only when you know the difference and you take your values and bring them into the Light and live them, that true change can be made for thyself, for this plane of existence, for thy planet, for everything."

MESSAGE FOR  June 2021:


“We are here to bring enlightenment and hope and knowledge. So, if we are doing this, this is our mission, and it makes us feel very good. And yes, we do have a message for each and every one of you, a Message for the World, something that will only make things better for everyone. And what you need to understand now, what we need you to really feel and absorb, is that Terrans are beings that exist within a deeply emotional persona. Everything about Terrans is emotional. So, it is extremely important that you understand your emotions; where do they come from? Are these really the emotions that you want to have? How often do you feel the emotion of pain because you believe someone is doing or saying something to hurt you? And then you react instead of ask. And in your reaction, you can become as mean as you perceive was done to you. Well, what happens when you find out that it was just a reaction, and what you perceived was very different than what was meant. In your world, wars happen because of these misperceptions, because you lead with your emotions instead of with Divine Love. So, you need to understand your emotions. You we're not born this way. You accepted these emotions. You accepted the notion of not good enough and the responses to that. You accepted the emotions of anger and pain, even when you don't necessarily understand why you are feeling anger or pain. And instead of not seeing the person—what they meant—you assume and get more pain and ultimately more anger and much less discussion and much less understanding. If you are going to raise the planetary vibration, you must stop reacting and must instead raise the consciousness—taking responsibility—that you have a choice as to how to react. That if you think someone has hurt you, you have a choice to be hurt or to send them love. Everything on this plane is one of choice. Do not relinquish that by not examining why you do what you do. It is especially important now as we teeter on the edge of consciousness. Are you going to become a conscious being? Or do you want to continue to live in unconsciousness?"



“It is important for all of you to listen closely, for it is very typical of humanity to forget, to forget those things that are very important. And over the last many months—many, many moon cycles—you have had the experience of growing and learning new things. Some of those things have been unpleasant. But if you took the opportunity, many of those things have been wonderous. You are now beginning to see truth, where before there was illusion. You are getting the opportunity to understand on a more visceral level what that truth is and what your part in this world truly is. And as the days go on, do not forget what you have learned. Do not forget the experiences that you have had when working with what you have seen and the fact that you are vulnerable; but in your absolute ability to create, you find your power. When you understand and accept that you are a creator, you find your power. And when you learn to trust that all things are happening purposefully and purposely, then you retain your power. And you can release fear and you can grow from all experiences, even those you do not completely understand or even that you like."



“It is a very simple message and one we know that you know. But this is a reminder. And the reminder is, that throughout the history of Terra, it has been easier for humanity to look at others and find fault with them. Whether these others are your neighbors, your family members, your friends, or people that you have never met before but have only heard about—it is very easy for humanity to find fault in others. And the reminder for you is that it is time to work on yourself. It is time to manifest within yourself that perfect love, that type of love that exists without judgment, the type of love that the Source always, always sees you through. If you can do this thing, if you can open your mind to the fact that every human being, no matter how different or seemingly divisive, or mean, or hateful, or whatever you want to label them with, is actually doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing in this life, which is walking their path and learning their learning in the way that they are supposed to. And because you do not know their purpose—you do not understand their path—you cannot judge. Instead, work on yourself. Myama."



“Our message for the world tonight is a very simple one. You are entering a new what you call “season” and it is the season to plant. It is the season to plant crops, to plant trees, and plant flowers. We would also like for you to do these things for they are good for the planet. But also, we would like for you to plant your goals, your hopes, your dreams. We would like you to fill the holes that you have created by ridding yourself of those things that you did not want to move forward and fill those holes with those new possibilities. Who are you and what do you want to do? What do you want to accomplish? What kind of life do you want? You are planting those seeds right now. We would like you to plant them consciously because most of the time humanity plants them unconsciously and later when they reap negativity, they are not even sure why. They have not realized that that is what they planted. So plant what you want to harvest. Plant and tend lovingly. So that later, what is grown, you will want to reap. And what you grow will help not only yourself, but others and your world. This is what you need to know. And this is what you need to do right now."



“What we want you to hear, and what you need to be doing for your own betterment, is begin to look at what it is that makes you respond—whether it is a response of anger, of frustration, of joy, of happiness, of fear. When was the last time you looked to see why you responded to circumstances, people, and things with any of those feelings? Most beings just react, but never examine what about them is creating the reaction. Why are you giving your power to this thing or this person or this idea or this fear? And then you focus on a fear, a hatred, an unhappiness. Then you create the energy to be looking for these things everywhere. And when you are looking for them, then of course, they come. So you are creating the illusion of exactly what you do not want. So, can you understand, that then if you focus instead on those things that create this wonderous feeling within yourself —of joy or empathy or happiness or beauty, when you look at a beautiful sunset or sunrise, and you feel connected to all that is, you feel wonderous. Do you not carry this with you? Same too, when you focus on anger, or focus on fear or regret or shame. When anyone can push these buttons in you, you need to work to see why. And then you need to choose to create a different reality by not responding as you have always responded. But instead, to fill yourself with the memories of that wonderous connectedness you felt at that sunset or sunrise and change your illusion from loss, lack, fear, pain, anger, to joy, love, lightness, and empathy. You can do this thing. And you must do this thing now."



“Many of you think that with the change of one second on the clock, that somehow the world is completely different now. You have shifted into that year you call 2021, and so somehow that makes everything different? But what we want you to know is that what makes things different, always, is your beliefs. If you believe that this can be a great year, it can be a great year, as long as you continue to have that belief. But if you resist the changes that are coming, and they are vast—and they will begin to be become quite intense over the next couple of months—and that intensity will grow. If you allow the intensity of change to change your mind about how wonderful the opportunity of this New Year can be, then it will be no different than the last one. So, it is imperative for each of you to become very flexible, to allow for the changes that must occur. The end is dying to make way for the new, but the old does not want to leave. So, there will be tension between that which was and that which is becoming. And it is important for you to keep in your mind what you want. You want a new world. You want peace and health and happiness and compassion and the working together. For this to begin, many of the old ways must leave. Be joyous when this happens. Do not let fear enter your consciousness. For if you truly believe that this is going to be a wonderous year, then it shall be your best year.”



“And a wonderous moon cycle it is, and a wonderous eclipse to come, and also a grand conjunction, and all of these stars upon your sky are heralding the coming of so much potential. You are in a breakthrough phase. If you have not done the things that we have been asking you to do over the moon cycles of the 2020s, then you need to do it now. It is time to release all those feelings that you want to leave in the your past, those feelings that will not make your life, your world, a better place for you or anyone else. All of the negativity, all of the fear, all of the grief and anger, leave it behind. Bless all the experiences that you have had, even those you do not fully understand, and realize that you are being open to so much greater. And if you are not doing this thing, then you will be dragging forward into your future all that you do not want and closing the door to all the potential that is making itself available. Now we do not want to say to you that everything is going to happen in a whoosh of energy and that everything will be perfect and nothing bad can happen ever again— for this is the planet Terra and this is not a combined consciousness. But you are working on developing a greater consciousness, and as each of you develop this, as each of you begin to live in the Divine Love instead of the possessive love, then more and more goodness shall happen and more and more people will be infected with this wonderous, wonderous energy, and this is the beginning, and you are the first of many that will walk through this doorway into your future."


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